Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pet Peeve #2: People Who Boast About Being Drunk

It’s Monday morning and everyone is talking about how their weekend went. 'Saturday, I went shopping'. 'Sunday, I cleaned the house'. 'Friday night I went to a party'. Then you always have the one person who proclaims, 'OMG! I totally got smashed last night. I totally had, like, 6 Long Island Ice-T’s and blacked out!' Everyone laughs hysterically. I'm usually the one not in on the joke. About three years ago, I was hit by a drunk driver so my tolerance for humour inspired by alcohol is very low, but that's not why I'm writing this blog. Somewhere along the line a memo went out saying that it's supercool to brag about being drunk.

As you may have guessed, I am not a drinker- for both moral as well as practical reasons. I don’t like the taste of alcohol or the effect it has on people who abuse it. I'm also capable of loosening up and having fun without the proverbial sauce, so I suppose this might be why I'm not capable of understanding the joy of chemically inducing tomfoolery. That being said, there are people who do drink and do not abuse the chemical, so this blog entry has nothing to do with them. My problem is with the people who boast about becoming drunk. The ones who assume that barfing all over their friend's leather coach is incredibly hilarious. Or that they don't remember being coated in honey and left naked on your front porch. Yep, these are all stories that I've had to sit through and pretend were funny.

Why would anyone boast about being drunk? What glory is there in temporarily losing ones faculties? Boasting about drunkenness, to me, makes as about much sense as boasting about the loss of bladder control or amnesia. Not to mention that public drunkenness never has been, and never will be attractive. Especially if you're over the age of 25...


Sonhadora said...

You and me are on the same page my friend!

I'm not a drinker either and don't like the taste of it. I don't get why ppl think it's so cool to get pissed drunk and to have stories like that!

Learn how to drink first and then brag about it.
If they only saw themselves under the influence...

Unknown said...

Here's my take. "They" the people that boast about being drunk, have lost the sense that God gave them or they never had the sense that God gave a duck. those are the only to options in my book to explain the act of bostsing aboput being drunk.

Gimped said...

I am totally on the same page as you, and I am a drinker. I have a few friends I steer clear of because of their ridiculous behaviour when they drink. Yes, I've been known to have a few too many and be stupid myself. However, I have learned what my limitations are and it didn't take me barfing all over my friends a dozen times before I caught on. I don't drink enough to get to that point: why would someone think that's "cool"?

I was never one of those teens who drank in high school. The most drinking I did was taking a sip or 2 from my dads beer while he watched the game. I didn't start drinking until I got to college, and that was 4 months before my 19th birthday. I learned quite quickly what my limits were and very rarely do I exceed them. I don't like hangovers. I don't like sleeping with a bucket beside my bed. And most of all, I don't like ducking out on someone's birthday to rush someone to the hospital because they didn't know what their own limits were.