Monday, March 30, 2009

NATIONAL CRISIS ALERT: Prime Minister Stephen Harper Needs A New Haircut!

Folks, this has become a very real and serious problem. Our PM’s hair totally sucks and I’m not going to take it anymore! How does this country expect to be taken seriously when our Prime Minister looks like a member of both the Chess Club and the AV Squad? Now, I don’t like the guy at all, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel some compassion for him. I mean, look at him! He’s in desperate need of a make-over!

He needs ideas, people. Maybe he’d look good in a footballer’s haircut à la David Beckham circa 2003. Or maybe one of those super cool goth cuts that Adam Lambert of American Idol sports on the show. He might even consider shaving off all his hair, like the Skinheads. Lord knows he wouldn’t have to change his attitude much.

The haircut is only the tip of the iceberg. What about Stephen’s wardrobe? Okay, okay, the fuzzy sweater thing didn’t really work all that well during the election. I, for one, would have preferred that he stuck to a lovely spring palette of pastels, a silk ascot and those beautiful velvet slippers... with the crests on top- but what’s the use crying over spilt milk? I say he go for the gusto- skinny jeans, a vintage Lacoste sweater vest and Nappa leather pointed dress shoes (of the Prada variety).

Our Prime Minister needs our help, my fellow Canadians! Please send in your ideas with pictures so we can start this revolution, already. Our country is depending on you!

1 comment:

Ken said...

Really, the question is not what new haircut he needs... its what new toupee he needs. that is so obviously a rug.