Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just Because I Wear Dreads....

I've had my hair in dreadlocs for about a year and a half now and it has given me a window into how narrow-minded people can be. I've always secretly giggled at the misconceptions people have when they see me. Most of the people I've encountered generally have positive things to say; others have been far more ignorant. Some are just curious. Below are some of the misconceptions I face regularly:

a) I smoke weed or know where to get it. I've never smoked weed, much less a cigarette and the only drug dealer I know is my GP and Mr. Patel, the pharmacist at my local Shopper's Drug Mart.

b) I know everyone in the GTA who has dreadlokcs. "Do you know Marsha? She has hair just like yours!" No, I don't know Marsha and I'm pretty sure she has braids.

c) I'm an Earth Mother. I'm not a vegetarian, I don't have a PETA membership, I've never worn Birkenstocks and I love fashion and make-up!

d) I'm a Rastafarian. Yes I'm of Jamaican decent, but I'm the furthest thing from a Rasta. I'm grew up as, and continue to be a Evangelical Christian. That's complicated enough.
e) I'm totally cool. I'm THE biggest nerd you'll probably ever meet. The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack is on heavy rotation on my iPod.

So if you read this blog and you see me you'll have a far better idea of who I am and what I represent. My hair is only an extension of my personality- not a description of my character. If you want to know more about me, ask questions- don't assume. The only thing I ask is that you don't touch my hair.


ALC said...

I know just what you mean. Although I do have hippy tendencies...

But, my dear, you ARE totally cool!

Gimped said...

Do random ppl come up to you and touch your hair?? That's so rude!!

GasbarNut said...

you are not a nerd for liking Phantom of the Opera. That makes you TOTALLY cool.

Sonhadora said...

You are just a nerd with dreads!