Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Foolishness

I refuse to believe that this is R & B crooner Jon B.'s wife. Maybe his auntie or cousin or maybe even his geography tutor, but not his wife. Gadzooks!


Marius Wanders said...

Hi Kim

What does this say about geography tutors, a respectable occupation at the best of times...

ALC said...

I don't get it. What is she supposed to look like?

Gimped said...

He looks like a cutie pie ... standing next to his mom or something. Weird ...

Kimberly Bennett said...

ALC- she looks like his foster mother or chaperone... from the 1980's.

Anonymous said...

She looks like me, without locs. So glad that there're hot guys out there who look for substance. Makes them hotter, in my eyes!